2018 Year in Review

Like every year, this year flew by faster than the one before. It seems like you could have easily blinked and missed it. But, at the Laurel, many of us experienced quite the opposite. Through highly anticipated first looks, meaningful walks down the aisle, heartfelt announcements of forever unions, celebrations that lasted into the night — many of us saw time stand still.

And sometimes, when time stands still, even if for only a moment, it helps remind us what’s most important in life.

And that’s who we are toasting to today — to all the people we love and who stood beside us this year. We hope you all are raising a glass to the moments where time stood still in 2018, and for the many more to come in 2019. Happy New Year from all of us at The Laurel! Cheers!

There is so much to be shared and discovered on The Laurel Blog. Be sure to 'Like' us on Facebook for updates. Planning an amazing event is challenging — we want to be your resource to help along the way!


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