Laurel Loves | The Love of Your Parents

When newlyweds make their first toast, they always thank the most important people in their lives: their parents. Because parents have been there from the start, they know you in a way no one else does, and they’ve cared for you so deeply that you know no matter what you are loved.

With Mother’s Day behind us and Father’s Day ahead of us, we wanted to raise a toast to all the parents who have been there for you from the first time you said “Dada” to the day you said, “I Do.”

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Moms have a way of knowing what needs to be done before anyone else does, which makes her the perfect person to have around on your wedding day. Zipping, tying, serving, hugging, crying, laughing — all while grabbing enough tissues for everyone — she knows how to help you achieve your dreams.

Providing a strong sense of support, offering the right words, having a great shoulder to cry on or arm to hold onto as you go down the aisle to meet your husband, Dads are something special. He also can help you tie your tie, make you laugh, or be there for you when you need him most.

With so many years behind you and so many ahead, Fred Rogers said it best, “Parents are like shuttles on a loom. They join the threads of the past with threads of the future and leave their own bright patterns as they go.”

The toasts we hear from brides and grooms to their parents are the best kind. Expressing words of gratitude that run so deeply, they recall all the many moments big and small that led them to this most unforgettable one.



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