Laurel Loves | Outdoor Ceremonies

There’s nothing quite as refreshing as the outdoors—especially on your wedding day. Though notoriously known as a risky option, the reward for the risk-takers is always worth it. (And, thankfully, at The Laurel, there’s always our indoor chapel that makes an equally beautiful backup plan.) We never tire of seeing guests step outside, take a deep breath in and cheerfully walk with grass underfoot to their seats. 

Then, as the bride glides down her pathway toward her groom with nature all around her, well there’s just no contest—the Laurel Loves outdoor ceremonies.

When The Laurel was designed, outdoor ceremonies were at the top of our mind. Our two-tiered setting was created to offer space for either an intimate gathering or for ample seating for everyone on your list. Every guest enjoys a beautiful view of the bride and groom as they stand together on this glorious day.

If you consider yourself an outdoors-y person, then you need no convincing. If you’re on the fence, but want an outdoor wedding and have always envisioned yourself saying your vows under the wide, open sky you can rest assured that, rain or shine, the Laurel has got you covered (literally).

The Laurel Loves outdoor ceremonies and we’re for you if you do, too. Cheers!


Real Weddings | Caitlyn and Tanner | November 10, 2017


Laurel Loves | Amazing Mantels Part III